Oregon Health Equity Alliance (OHEA):

We serve on the Steering Committee of OHEA, a regional health equity coalition that identifies policy, system and environmental solutions to health disparities in the Portland Metro region.

Multnomah County Health Department, Empezando con Salud:

As a member of this collaborative, we are working to improve life course health in Multnomah County through trauma-informed, culturally and linguistically responsive maternal and child health.on.

Latino Emotional Health Collaborative:

We participate with nine Latino specific service organizations in the Portland Metro region, working to define address mental health service gaps for the Latina and Latino community.

Oregon Consumer Voices for Innovation:

In partnership with OSPIRG and Unite Oregon, we have developed cultural competency training for Oregon’s coordinated care organizations (CCOs). We are also advising on the recruitment and empowerment of CCO consumer advisory councils to ensure the diverse needs and preferences of CCO members are being addressed in Oregon’s continued health system transformation effort.

Conexiones Summit:

Supported by the Oregon Community Foundation and the Ford Family Foundation, over 200 Latinos/Latinas and partners from across Oregon gathered in Salem in October 2017 for the inaugural Conexiones Summit. The event brought people together to connect with each other and identify issues facing the growing Latino community in Oregon. We are participating and/or leading working groups that are implementing the key areas of focus that resulted from the summit.

Other Partnerships:

We participate in several other coalitions and collaborative efforts that focus on health equity and inclusion for all marginalized communities, including Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations.